| |
- isdir = _isdir(path, /)
- Return true if the pathname refers to an existing directory.
- load_video(video, video_size=(100, 100), squarecrop=False, fps=25, maxlength=5, use_cache=False)
- Load video content into `np.array.`. This is most frequently used to load video files for further processing in a
pipeline like this:
`get_datastream(...) | apply('filename','video',load_video) | ...`
- videosource(fname, video_size=(100, 100), mode='rgb')
- Produce a stream of video frames from a given input file.
:param fname: input file name (video)
:param video_size: tuple showing the size of the video frames `(width,height)`
:param mode: mode used to open the file. Default is `'rgb'`
:return: pipe stream of video frames
- videosource_chunked(fname, frames_per_chunk=25, video_size=(100, 100), mode='rgb')
- Produce a stream of video chunks of a given size.
:param fname: input filename
:param frames_per_chunk: number of frames per chunk. Defaults to 25, meaning 1 second of video under 25 fps.
:param video_size: tuple showing the size of the video frames `(width,height)`
:param mode: mode used to open the file. Default is `'rgb'`
:return: pipe stream of video chunks