mPyPl Tutorial

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You can install mPypl by using pip in the following way:

pip install mPyPl

It also installs a bunch of additional required libraries such as OpenCV, tensorflow, etc. While they might not be needed for very simple tasks, they are required for most of the deep learning tasks that mPyPl is typically used for.

To install the very latest version, it is also convenient to use git repository directly:

pip install git+

Using Pipes

mPyPl relies heavily on pipeline syntax offered by pipe library by Julien Pallard. Let’s first understand how piping works.

Consider Problem #2 from Project Euler: By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.

Without pipelines, we can write the solution in the following way:

def fiblist(n):
    a,b = 1,1
    l = []
    while a<n:
        a,b = a+b,a
    return l
L1 = fiblist(4000000)
L2 = filter(lambda x:x%2==0,L1)

Or we can write it in a long statement like this:

sum(filter(lambda x:x%2==0,fiblist(4000000)))

With pipes, we can operate on infinite sequences, and also decompose operations even further, making code more clear and modular.

First, let’s define fibonacci number generator:

def fib():
    a,b = 1,1
    while True:
        yield a
        a,b = a+b,a

We can then use it as a source for pipelines, for example:

fib() | take(10) | as_list

First Fibonacci number above 4000000:

fib() | where(lambda x:x>4000000) | first

And the original problem:

fib() | take_while(lambda x:x<4000000) | where(lambda x:x%2==0) | add

Note, that pipelines are lazily evaluated, i.e. all values of the pipeline are not stored in memory, but are computed on the fly when they are required by the terminating function. This allows using potentially infinite sequences, like fib in our example.


3. mPyPl basics

mPyPl extends the notion of pipes with named pipelines, i.e. elements flowing through pipelines are named dictionaries called mdict’s. They are very similar to traditional dictionaries, but support lazy field evaluation, on-demand field computation and so on.

This approach is very useful in machine learning, because we often need to enhance original data with some additional fields, for example adding square of some value, or computing image feature embeddings. Thus mPyPl is especially useful for data processing in AI/ML.

Consider the following problem: find the first Fibonacci number, whose square is above 4000000. To solve it, we first convert the original fib sequence into mPyPl sequence of mdict’s with a field x, then add a field for $x^2$, filter and get the result:

fib() | mp.as_field('x') | mp.apply('x','xsq',lambda x:x*x) | mp.filter('xsq',lambda x:x>4000000) | mp.select_field('x') | first

It is traditional and very convenient to start long pipelines with (, so that we can write them in multiline way:

 | mp.as_field('x') 
 | mp.apply('x','xsq',lambda x:x*x) 
 | mp.filter('xsq',lambda x:x>4000000) 
 | mp.select_field('x') 
 | first

4. Anatomy of apply

apply is the most widely used operation in mPyPl. It takes values from one or more fields, and computes a new field based on their values. It has two variations:

Example: Take a few images from a given directory and print them together with their resolution overlayed on top.

To obtain the list of files in a given directory, we use get_files:

import cv2
import mPyPl.utils.image as mpui

imgs = (mp.get_files('.',ext=".jpg") 
 | mp.as_field('fname')
 | mp.apply('fname','img',lambda x:cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(x),cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
 | mp.select_field('img')
 | mp.as_list


imgs = (mp.get_files(‘.’,ext=”.jpg”) | mp.as_field(‘fname’) | mp.apply(‘fname’,’img’,lambda x:cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(x),cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) | mp.select_field(‘img’) | mp.pexec(mpui.show_images)