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Dmitry Soshnikov, Ph.D.
Passionate Technology Expert in AI/ML
Associate Professor, MAI/HSE/MIPT
Ex-Cloud Developer Advocate/Software Engineer/Technical Evangelist, Microsoft

Dmitry is a Microsoft veteran, who was with Microsoft for more than 16 years. He started as a Technical Evangelist, and in this role presented on numerous conferences, including twice being on stage with Steve Ballmer and Alexey Pajitnov, and once in the event with Bill Gates. He then worked for 2 years as Senior Software Engineer, helping big European companies to start pilot digital transformation projects based on in AI and ML. Lately, as Cloud Developer Advocate, Dmitry focused on creating educational content and working with academic and research institutions, such as Carnegie-Mellon University, UC Berkeley, Imperial College London, etc. He is the primary author of Microsoft AI for Beginners Curriculum.

Currently Dmitry is an Associate Professor at MIPT, HSE and MAI, a big fan of functional programming and F#, and a maintainer/primary developer of mPyPl library.

Dmitry is interested in Science Art, and his works were exhibited at Krasnokholmskaya Gallery, on Non-Fiction Book Fair, in Electromuseum, in Museum of Russian Expressionism. He is Technical Lead of AI Laboratory of HSE Design School, where he explores the usage of open-source generative text and image models in creative processes of Design School.

In his spare time, Dmitry explores Technological Magic, as well as performs Chinese tea ceremonies. He can be reached at