
Как запустить Jupyter Notebook с GitHub

Jupyter Notebooks становятся стандартом де факто для программирования в области ИИ, машинного обучения и Data Science. Они также очень эффективны в обучении, используя принцип литературного программирования для сочетания в одном документе программного кода и его описания. В этой статье я опишу несколько способов запуска Jupyter Notebooks, как локально на вашем компьютере, так и в облаке. Read More ›

education – Education

Great Way to Start with Deep Learning: Introducing PyTorch Courses on Microsoft Learn

Deep Learning is one of the most popular topics amongst both students and software developers. We have recently released a learning path on Microsoft Learn that will help you get started with Deep Learning, based on one of the most popular frameworks: PyTorch. Read More ›

science – Science

Collaborate on research papers with GitHub

GitHub is well-known as a platform where software developers host their code and collaborate with their teams on a project. In this article, we'll show you how you can use the GitHub model to do the same thing and collaborate seamlessly on your research papers. Read More ›

science – Science

Analyzing COVID Medical Papers with Azure and Text Analytics for Health

Since the beginning of COVID pandemic more than a year ago, there have been more than 400000 scientific papers published on the subject. A human researcher cannot possibly get acquainted with such a huge text corpus - and therefore some help from AI is highly needed. In this post, we will show how we can extract some knowledge from scientific papers, gain insights, and build a tool to help researcher navigate the paper collection in a meaningful way. Read More ›


Виртуальный нано-хакатон #openbirthday 2021: Театр роботов

Приглашаю в очередной раз нетрадиционным способом отметить мой день рождения. 27 марта в 20:00 добро пожаловать в онлайн! Read More ›